Merchant (Skill)

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Each rank of the Merchant Profession allows you to Buy, Sell, and Exchange higher tiers of goods.

Level Components Goods/Recipes
1 Common Rank 1
2 Uncommon Rank 2
3 Rare Rank 3
4 Named Rank 4
5 Advanced
6* Create Wondrous Item Formula

You will receive 1 free Mechant Action per reset. By filling out a Trade Sheet at Logistics and turning it in you may buy and sell the items you qualify to move. The figuring and filling out of a Trade Sheet is up to the player, all of your values/calculations must be clearly listed and correct. The Marshal will check your sheet, if there are mistakes it will be rejected, and you will be asked to fill out a new Sheet

After your first Merchant Action in a reset additional Actions are available at the cost of 1 hour of NPC time multiplied by your number of Actions this reset. So your second Action will require 1 hour of NPC time, your third will require 2 hours and so on. You must notate this time on your sheet and have a signature from both the Marshal Station with your start time AND either a plot member or the Lead NPC at NPC camp verifying you completed the required time. Currently, we do not allow you to “stack” your Actions. You must finish your current Action to begin the next one. So you cannot turn in 4 Trade sheets then go NPC for 6 hours. You will not earn crowns for this NPC time as it is representing your character digging deeper and deeper into the markets chasing deals/buyers/sellers. While subject to change we are not capping the amount of trade actions you can do per reset aside from the limits of hours in the workday.  8PM is the cutoff for Merchant Actions during any given day. Your required NPC shift may run after 8PM but your Marshal signed Start Time must be at or before 8pm. Merchant Actions, and their related NPC time, may start when the Marshal station opens

For this NPC time you are not required to come completely out of your character gear, please remove as much as is convenient and make use of NPC camp garb.

*This level of Merchant is only attainable by those with the Felis Born Trader power or Merchant Background which do not stack.