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(Editor's Note: Warlock is in its infancy. What follows are placeholder values for skills and costs. This is posted as a place for Rules to iron out the details and turn a concept into a functioning character class. We are well aware of the issues presented by and facing the class and it may turn out to be unworkable for any number of reasons. Until this notice is taken down, please consider the state of the class before lighting fuses.)[edit | edit source]

Warlocks are the small fraction of those individuals who for a number of reasons Howled into the void in a time of need. These are the "fortunate" souls who received a response. Warlocks function as casters focusing predominantly on de-buffing and generally make life difficult for their foes.

Armor Proficiency: Warlocks are casters but are limited and as such have additional training in armor and can wear up to Medium armor.

Weapon Proficiency: Warlocks are proficient with Short, Medium, and Long Weapons.

Class Features:

Spell Pool: Warlocks can call forth the direct ire of their masters through force of will and use it to attack their foes. Doing this is faster and less stressful than formal spellcasting. One point of spell pool generates 1 point of damage to a limit of 10 points at a time at Spell Pool I. This is cast as "Magic X <damage type>" and packet delivered. Every rank of Spell Pool adds 25 points of usable pool and increases the 'spell cap' of the amount used of your pool you can use at a time by 5. Thus, With spell pool 1 your cap is 10 points per use and with Spell Pool 3 you may use 20 points of pool at a time. Spell Pool must be delivered in increments of 5. Spell Pool can be refreshed with five minutes of uninterrupted time, or immediately refreshed via the 9th level Mage effect Evocation. Warlocks flavor for their spell pool is Void.

Other worldly Knowledge: Warlocks tie to their power from other and older sources they enjoy a discount to KA skills (reflected in their class chart). Warlocks will always count as having an instructor for Rare Knowledge areas with plot approval.

Other Worldly Pact: As a step to unlocking their power, warlocks make a pact with the beyond to tap into the other worldly power and master the forces of the shadows. Once a player has chosen their pact it is their path for life. In addition to the below the character receives focused training in a Rare Knowledge Area.

“Ban”: these are conditions of their pact and as such MUST be adhered to, several are clean cut game mechanics others are slightly vaguer RP directives. In either case if these are violated one of two things will happen if it is a status i.e. unarmed/armored then you will lose all Warlock skills and abilities tied to your pact until the condition is corrected, if it is a prohibited act that is committed then the same penalty applies until the Warlock has meditated to atone and reestablish their connection to their source. The OOG mechanic for meditation is they must reset.

  • Gur’adon
    • KA: Warfare
    • Increases Base weapon damage by 1 when wielding a single 1 handed weapon
    • Ban: Must never be unarmed, will always have a their weapon either on them or in their immediate proximity (6 feet max). Also will never kill a sentient opponent who was beneath/greatly weaker than themselves as there is no honor in it, It would be better to allow them to continue to improve until they do pose a challenge and then defeat them.  
  • Rastronor
    • KA: Planes
    • Reduces the Mana cost of a few of their spells (Terror, Terror Mask, Death Wail), by 1 Mana.
    • Ban: May not generate Light effects and abhors direct or bright light in any form, will always stand/walk in shadows/shade if available if not will be angry the entire time.
  • Brellmalan
    • KA: Magic
    • They gain an additional 20 Pool each reset.
    • Ban: May never be unarmored, if caused to be unarmored by an opponent will immediately take any action necessary to become armored again unless doing so would cause their death. Many devotees of Brellmalan will carry back up armor just for this eventuality. Additionally May never personally take a foe as a prisoner nor allow a defeated foe to live.  
  • Vrolgor
    • KA: Astronomy
    • Reduces the count to enter Hide from the normal 5 count to a 3 counted action, and reduces the cost of Move Silent by 2SP.
    • Ban: May not generate or cause to be generated a life effect (spell, or potion) may utilize mundane means to stabilize/heal allies
Name Prerequisite Skill SP Cost Use Cost Name Prerequisite Skill SP cost
Mana (1-30) None 1/2 per Ley Magic Points 2
Mana (31-60) 30 Mana 1 per Ritualism 5
Spell Pool I None 0 Cancel Magic 6
Spell Pool II Spell Pool I 5 Knowledge Area (common) 2
Spell Pool III Spell Pool II 10 Knowledge Area (Rare) See Skill Description 2
Void familiar (Mastery) 4
Warlock Spell Lvl. 1 1 Mana 1 1 Imbody the Shadow (Mastery) Cap at 1 per. 2lvls. 6
Warlock Spell Lvl. 2 2 Mana 1 2 Shadow Meld 5
Warlock Spell Lvl. 3 3 Mana 1 3 Darkness' Ally 9
Warlock Spell Lvl. 4 4 Mana 1 4 Advanced
Warlock Spell Lvl. 5 5 Mana 1 5 Hasten Spell 2
Warlock Spell Lvl. 6 6 Mana 1 6 Forked Spell 3
Warlock Spell Lvl. 7 7 Mana 1 7 Penetrating Spell 2
Warlock Spell Lvl. 8 8 Mana 1 8 Arcane Spell 4
Warlock Spell Lvl. 9 9 Mana 1 9 Dampen (Mastery) 4
Techniques Dark Pact 20
Move Silent Shadow Meld 6 1
Blitz 4 2
Smoke Screen 6 3
Conceal 6 3
Energy (1-12) 1
Energy (13-24) 12 Energy 2


Arcane Spell (Ley Magic)- This skill allows the character to cast a spell in its rawest form. When used, the character substitutes the normal spell casting incant with “Arcane ” for a single spell; or if used with Spell Pool points, it changes the Delivery Type for the current Pool. Example: Instead of the incant “I force the will to Charm You”, the call would become “Arcane Charm”. This skill costs 3 Ley Points.  

Blitz- This skill allows the character to land heavy blows with their weapon. When used, the character gains +5 Temporary Weapon Damage, on their next 4 weapon swings. These effects must be used on all swings following the skill's activation and are 1 swing hit or miss.

Cancel Magic- This skill allows the character to end the duration of any spell that they encounter. The time it takes to cancel the spell depends on the spells duration: if the spell’s duration is in minutes, it takes 1 minute of concentration; if the spell’s duration is in hours, it takes 10 minutes of concentration; and if the spell’s duration is in days, or is a lasting effect, it takes 1 hour of concentration.

Conceal- A character using this skill instantly becomes Hidden, for a brief time. This skill is activated by calling “Conceal!” Once activated, the character places their hands open palms together over their head and for the next 10 seconds they are hidden and can move. This skill does not remove any effects that are currently on the character.

Dampen (Mastery): By weaving the power of the shadows around yourself you dampen hostile magic that might strike you. The next 2 offensive spells, with an effect other than numerical damage, that hits you deals 5 Body Damage to you instead of the effect.

Dark Pact- Your study of the beyond has opened your mind to its understanding and allows you to access further knowledge and power. Each Pact furthers your connection to the voices from beyond.

  • Pact of the Blade- Furthering your pact you receive the Boon of a One Handed Bladed weapon of your choosing. The blade gains the property Un-shatterable, and gains the benefits of the Spirit linked ritual and cannot be the target of rituals or have other modifications. This weapon is sacred to your pact and you will not allow others to use it willingly. Further, you can channel your Shadow spell pool through your pact weapon like a Spellblade. This still follows the rules for spell cap.
  • Pact of Iron- Your pact combined with rigorous exposure to the power that comes from beyond has riddled you with a bit of “Iron” in the blood. Once each reset you can tap into this and gain Damage Cap 5 for an Encounter.  
  • Pact of the Eye- You are granted the awareness of a “Third Eye” gifted with a bit of protection as the shadows watch over you. You gain “Danger Sense” once each reset and one use of “true sight”  each reset which allows you to see something for what it really is whether it has been magically or mundanely altered or obfuscated. (disguise, illusory form)
  • Pact of Knowledge- The strengthening of your pact opens new pathways to magic. You receive the Boon of a magical Tome containing magic foreign to your own study. The Tome holds 3 spells from the Mage General spell list, 2 spells up to 3rd level and 1 spell up to 6th level. Once the spells are chosen they are locked in and become part of your known Spells.

Darkness' Ally: This is a persistent effect that renders the Warlock immune to Blindness and Darkness effects and at plots discretion may be given additional description in dark settings.

Forked Spell (Ley Magic)- This skill allows the character to split their spell, so it can hit more targets. When using this skill, the player adds “Forked “to the end of their normal spell incant, and then can throw “Magic ” twice in succession, and only expend the requisite mana once. This skill costs 2 Ley Points to use.  

Hasten Spell (Ley Magic)- This skill allows the character to cast spells faster than normal, using the Magic Delivery Type. When used, the character substitutes the normal spell incant with “Magic ”, or if used with Spell Pool, it changes the Delivery Type for the current pool. Example: the spell incant “I force the will to Charm You” would instead become “Magic Charm”. This skill costs 1 Ley Point to use.

Imbody the Shadow (Mastery)- This ability turns the recipient into a shadow, granting them several advantages. While in this form, the character can move and run as normal, and can even pass through cracks in walls and floors. Weapons and spells do not affect them, except for Circle, Dispel, light, Implosion, Wall of Force, and Wizard Lock, as well Voice and Arcane Delivery Types. While in this form they may move normally but only in shade or shadows and they cannot speak, they also cannot use any skills (except shadow meld), abilities, or items. Additionally, to maintain this form, the character must maintain concentration. This is done in the form of a hand gesture. To maintain this form, the character must keep their thumbs and fore fingers in an inverted triangle over their chest. This skill is usable once per reset per purchase and may be ended by the user, a dispel, or any light effect.

Knowledge Area (Common/Rare)- This skill allows the character to purchase any of the "Known" Knowledge Areas without the need of an instructor up to five ranks each.

Move Silent- This skill allows the character to take brief actions without creating any In Game noise, which can be done in a number of ways: First, the character can move up to 15 steps while in Hide and remain Hidden. Second, the character can make one attack from Hide, adding the “Surprise” Modifier and remain Hidden. This skill is considered Passive.

Penetrating Magic (Ley Magic)- This skill allows a character to add the “Body” Modifier to the next two uses of Spell Pool. This does NOT affect the rest of your current pool. This skill costs 1 Ley Point to use.

Void Familiar (Mastery)- Warlocks may have a Familiar that functions differently than most Familiars. The Familiar is always with the Warlock but may only be usable in shadowy light or darker. When in conditions that do not meet the Shadowy or darker requirement it familiar is concealed on the Warlocks person. When in a usable environment the Familiar gives the Warlock one use of Danger sense per reset, and at Plots discretion the Familiar may be used on modules to complete simple tasks within a range of sixty feet from the Warlock while remaining in shadowy or darker conditions (i.e. push a button, leave or retrieve a small item that weighs less than a pound). The Familiar is a creature of pure shadow and as such has no physical body and only requires contiguous shadow to move through. You may complete two actions with your familiar per reset.

Shadow Meld- Allows the Warlock use of the Hide Skill only in Anything less than direct light

Smoke screen- This skill allows the character to create a field of smoke that breaks Line of Sight for ranged attacks. While activated, the character must raise their hands, separated above their head and announce "Smoke Screen" every few seconds for up to 30 seconds. While this skill is active, others within melee weapon reach of the character are protected from ranged attacks from outside melee weapon range, however they can be targeted if an attacker is within melee weapon range of a protected character. Using this skill requires concentration and thus will end early if the character becomes Helpless, puts their hands down or is affected by any effect that prevents the character from taking actions.


Warlocks cast exclusively Shadow magic The default incant for shadow spells is:

"I call upon the shadow to curse you with <negative effect>"

"I call upon the shadow to grant you/create/*nothing* <effect>"

1 Detect Magic



Detect Magic-This spell will reveal to the caster the presence of magic on a given item or area. If used for an area, should magic of some kind other than the caster be present within 10’ at the time of casting, they will be aware there is a magical force close by, but not its strength or location. If used on an item, the caster will be aware of how strong the magic is: Common-a spell caster with unused slots, Uncommon-an item crafted with a magical effect that can be used once and will fade, Strong-an item crafted with Standard Forge Item, Rare- an item crafted with Major Forge Item, Artifact-an item with powers beyond normal measure.

Exhaustion- This spell overwhelms the target with the extremes of the natural environment causing their bodies to become exhausted. Targets affected by this can only walk and cannot Flee combat.

Weakness-This spell will reduce the target’s weapon damage by 3, to a minimum of 1. This is a Curse effect.

2 Pin




Pin-This spell will hold the target’s right foot in place. The target may not move their right foot from that spot unless Line of Sight with the caster is broken for 10 seconds, the effect is dispelled/removed, or they rip free. It requires +2 Base Strength or greater to rip free from this effect and will require a 3 counted action to do so, at the end of the count they will suffer 4 points of Body damage.

Fumble- This spell causes the target’s hands to become overcome by spasms, making it impossible for them to hold anything; this includes weapons, potions, vials, etc., which must be dropped. In the case of a shield, the target can choose to not drop it but will take all attacks that strike it.

Terror- This spell will cause the target to be unable to move from their current location and only able to defend themselves for ten seconds. This is a Fear effect.

Blade#*- This spell grants the character a Blade effect that when used grants, +5 Temporary Weapon Damage and Carrier: Magic to a single weapon strike. It may be used on any weapon strike of the recipient’s choice and causes the next successful swing by the weapon (a swing which lands or causes a defense to be called), and all unsuccessful swings leading up to it to gain the bonus. A character can only have 3 blade spells at any given time. However, they do not have to be the same type. Also, blade spells cannot stack onto a single swing.

3 Repel



Maim Limb

Repel- This spell will prevent the target from approaching within 10’ of the originator of the effect. If the originator of the effect approaches within 10’ of the target, the target does not have to move away. If the effect begins with the target closer than 10’ to the originator of the effect, they must back off to a distance of 10’ if there is such room. If the target can physically attack the originator of the effect from their current distance, then they may do so.

Blind- This spell causes the affected target to be unable to use any skills, fight, or use Active Abilities for 60 seconds; additionally, they can only walk. This skill works only on targets that need eyes to see and function, so creatures like Oozes, which lack eyes, would be Immune to this effect.

Fog- This spell causes the target’s vision to become cloudy and blurred making vision past their fingertips difficult. During the duration of 10 minutes the target cannot make any ranged attacks.

Maim Limb- This spell will damage the target’s limb making it useless for combat and locomotion until cured. If the target is an arm, that arm cannot be used for anything; in the case of a leg the player can only walk (if both legs are maimed the player cannot move from their current spot). To use this skill, the character must announce “Maim ”, which the attacker chooses which limb is affected, and land a legal weapon blow. This attack is a single swing hit or miss and can only be performed with a melee weapon.  

4 Awaken



Awaken*#- This spell will end the duration of Silence and all Mental effects on the target save for: Enslavement, Feeblemind, Horrify, Nightmare, Thrall and Slumber.

Shun-This spell causes a target not be able to approach within 10’ of the caster, nor may they attack the caster in any way. This effect will cause the target to avoid the caster for the duration, meaning if the caster moves toward them they must move away. This however does not force them into a corner, in such a case if the only way to move away from the caster is to walk past them to get out into the open they can. The creature may still attack people other than the caster. This is a Mental effect.

Venom- This spell summons the power of a mighty viper; the target of this effect loses the ability to use Skills/Abilities for 1 hour. If this effect is not cured before the end of the hour, the targets status changes to Dead. This is a Metabolic effect.

5 Silence

Terror Mask


Silence- This spell will prevent the target from speaking, or in any way vocalizing for the Duration. This will prevent Spell Casting, the use of Songs/Dirges, as well as other skills. This does NOT affect OOG speech and will not prevent weapon calls. This is a Mental effect.

Terror Mask^- This spell allows the caster to protect themselves from attack by granting them three uses of "Magic Terror Aura"

Night*- This spell wraps the target in shadows, causing them to become hidden. This effect is the same as the Hide skill, and players must follow all of the same rules to use it; additionally, the target gains a once ever Surprise Modifier, which they can use to end this effect.

6 Charm


Remove Curse

Charm- This spell will cause the target to become fixated on the caster. They will be unable to use skills and will take no actions other than to follow the caster for the duration. This does not give grounds for crowding. However, the affected character must stop all actions, move close to the caster, and follow them. This is a Mental effect.

Fear- This spell has a duration of five minutes and causes the target to flee from the character who originated the effect. Once they have broken Line of Sight they may stop fleeing and act normally, but if they see the character who originated the effect before the duration expires they must flee again. This is a Mental Effect.

Remove Curse*#- This spell removes all curses, i.e. anything that has "curse" in the delivery or incant.

7 Circle

Summon Weapon


Watchful Eye

Circle- This spell creates a dome of translucent magical energy that cannot be crossed by anything but the caster, however doing so ends the spells duration at that time; additionally, the duration will also end if the caster is reduced to Dead. Before this spell can be cast, there must be a rep for the circle on the ground around the caster. This can be done with a line in the dirt, flagging tape or even a hula hoop. The rep for the circle is the circle's size and can be no larger than 10’ in diameter. This spell is not subject to Dispel.

Summon Weapon*- This spell summons a +0 Magic weapon. This weapon may be any weapon the caster has a phys-rep for, and is craft-able. This weapon is not Shatterable. Additionally, if the weapon leaves the targets hand, or the character dies the spell ends.

Stun- This spell renders the target helpless and unable to use Skills/Abilities for 10 minutes, though they can still hear what is going on around them. This effect may be removed by Smelling Salts, Psionic Clear, or shaking the target vigorously for one minute. This effect is Metabolic.

Watchful Eye- This spell allows you to scribe a shadow rune on any surface not in full light that will last for eight hours. You will know if any in game creature approaches with in five feet. If cast in a cabin must be cast inside and must be included on the Marshal Notes.

8 Dispel



Mind Guard

Dispel- This spell will end the duration of all magical effects, both beneficial and negative, on a target. It will also end the duration of all nonpermanent ritual effects on a target and may even suppress magic that is more powerful for a short duration.

Devastate- This spell causes the target to take double damage from all attacks that have a numerical value in their call. This effect lasts for one hour. This is considered a Curse, and may only be removed by Practitioner, Priest Rank 2, Resurrection, Remove Curse or the Brook and River spells.

Command- This spell will cause the target to become bent to the caster will. The target will follow the next command of the caster, a 4-9-word phrase, to the best intent; however, the target will not cause direct harm to themselves; for example, you could command a bandit to “go to the town guard and turn yourself in”, but you could not tell him to “jump from a very high bridge”

Mind Guard*#- This spell wraps the recipients mind in a protective field. During the duration the target is immune to the following effects: Charm, Fear, Shun, Sleep, and Terror.

9 Death Wail

Shadow Step

Death Wail- This spell draws upon the terrors that lie within the hearts of all who live, manifesting in visions perceivable only by the recipient. The Spell is called as "all enemies in the sound of my voice magic Fear" and imparts a magical Fear effect to each affected creature.

Shadow Step^- This spell draws upon the casters strong ties to shadows to transport themselves from one shadow to another. This effect may only target the caster and allows the caster to enter a shadow and emerge from another one within range. Upon successfully completing the incant while within a shadow the caster will place their hand or weapon on top of their head and may walk up to twenty (20) steps to any other shadow and immediately re enter the game.


Heighten Pact (prerequisite Dark Pact):

This power will strengthen one of your Pacts further granting enchanted powers. As well you can purchase a second Pact.

  • Blade- Your weapon from your Boon gains the following additional properties: +1 Base Damage, and Shadow Flavor Carrier
  • Iron-By sacrificing One (1) body point to “bleed” on your weapons you can now swing the Iron carrier for one encounter.
  • Eye- you gain the ability to enter a trance with 60 seconds of concentration to summon an ethereal eye to observe any thing of which you have some amount of first hand knowledge that is on the same plane/prime as you currently are on. The more knowledge the better the “connection” as well as the greater chance the eye goes unnoticed. This ability follows the same rules as ritual casting as far as notification to plot and the need for the presence of a marshal. Also while in this meditative state you are completely unaware you your surroundings and count as “helpless” additionally it is known among Warlocks that this state should never be maintained for more than an hour for fear of “great peril” to the warlock. There are also several ways to guard against this ability.
  • Knowledge- Your Tome expands and gains additional Spells, 1 Mage/Caller spell up to 5th level, 1 Mage General Spell up to 9th level. As well as 2 Ley Points.

Void Messenger:

You are able to infuse your shadow with more ability and mobility. Your shadow can now travel up to a mile from you to complete simple tasks and even spy, returning with information. The caveat to this is the shadow must return within an hour or it expires without relaying any information.

Heroic Powers

Darken Aura- 20+:

You infuse your spirit with shadows allowing it to act as a buffer against magic. You gain the ability Resist Magic which can be used Twice each reset.

Separate Shadow- 20+:

You have reached a point where you are able to fully separate your shadow from yourself, it now functions more like a familiar. You can now use the normal ability of the Void familiar mastery without expending a use. If you have the Shadow Messenger Power your shadow lasts up to 2 hours and it can follow an individual hiding as their own shadow.