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Rangers are noted for tracking, hunting, and archery. They're common in any natural environment that provides the basics for bows and arrows; desert and underground rangers carve their weapons out of treated bone, forest rangers use the wood their land provides, aquatic rangers have a variety of options.

Armor:  Rangers are trained in medium armor; heavy armor is noisy and no Ranger wants any more weight on his bow arm than he can avoid.  Rangers are allowed to acquire the various armor-affecting Power without penalty.

Weapons:  Rangers are trained by default in bows of every description, including crossbows. They are also skilled in short and medium melee weapons.

Class Feature: 

Hunter's Mark: Hunter's Mark does a number of things. A Marked target is visible to the Marking Ranger until the Mark is removed; Marked targets may still hide or become invisible but this only stops other people from attacking. The Marking Ranger can fire right through stealth, concealmeant, invisibility, or any other effect that serves to deny line of sight. Also, Rangers may use this to Voice deliver one unmodified arrow at +10 damage or one modified arrow as nomal - this is called as "Hunter's Mark - <target> <damage/effect>". Hunter's Mark expires when a Marked victim has avoided the Ranger for one hour. Hunter's Mark can be used twice per reset. One extra use is acquired for free at 10th/20th/30th/40th level.

Pursuit Predation: Rangers can walk down virtually anything in nature. Pursuit Predation allows a Ranger to follow a character who's used the Flee skill to disengage. This doesn't interrupt the Flee or force the Flee'r to stay engaged, but it does allow the Ranger to re-engage after 10 minutes of following time. It doesn't provide any travel mechanics the Ranger didn't already have - it'll catch you up to a Flee, but it does not itself open portals, or grant you wings or burrowing claws, or gills. Someone fleeing has ten minutes to find a better escape hatch; sometimes they can and you'll end up staring at the sky, frequently they cannot and you'll get a second shot. Pursuit Predation only covers the Ranger using it. Multiple Rangers can pursue the same Fleeing target, using their own Pursues, but this does not allow for passengers.

Ranger Skills

Category Skill Name Prerequisite Skills Skill Point Cost Use Cost
Damage xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Precision +2 - 15
Precision +4 Precision +2 15
Precision +6 Precision +4 15
Precision +8 Precision +6 15
Precision +10 Precision +8 15
Precision +12 Precision +10 15
Energy (1-40) - 1 per
Tier 1
Pierce - 3 1
Disarm Shot - 3 1
Mob Scene - 3 1
Trick Arrow T1 - 3 1
Tier 2
Crippling Shot Tier 1 Offense 4 2
Expose Armor Tier 1 Offense 4 2
Manticore Shot Tier 1 Offense 3 2
Pindown Shot Tier 1 Offense 3 2
Trick Arrow T2 Tier 1 Offense 3 2
Tier 3
Paralyzing Shot Tier 2 Offense 5
Streamlined Shot Tier 2 Offense 5 3
Trick Arrow T3 Tier 2 Offense 5 3
Tier 4
Impale Tier 3 Offense 6 4
Trick Arrow T4 Tier 3 Offense 6
Tier 1
Mobility - 3 1
Initiative - 3 1
Tier 2
Roll Tier 1 Defense 3 2
Tier 3
Escape Tier 2 Defense 5 3
Teir 4
Avoidance Tier 3 Defense 6 4
Dodge Tier 3 Defense 6
Hide - 6 -
Move Silent - 3
Track - 2 -
Bowyer/Fletcher 2 -
Terrain Adaptation - 5
Agility 6
Conceal 3
High Inertia 4
Hunter's Call 3
Sap 2
Smoke Screen 5
Snare 3
Quickness 2
Warning Signs 8

Ranger Skill Descriptions:


Tier 1:

Pierce: Pierce allows an arrow to take effect on a hit to a shield. This is called as "Pierce" appended to another bow attack.

Disarm Shot: This effect causes a targeted hand-held item to become unusable for five seconds. While the target does not need to drop the weapon, they cannot use it offensively nor defensively. Any attack that strikes the item during that time causes the bearer to suffer the effects of the attack. This attack MUST hit the item to be affected. For Rangers, it is packet-delivered and called as "Disarm Shot <item>".

Mob Scene: This skill allows the character to bolster his allies with razor sharp tactics. When used, all allies within melee weapon reach add the Critical Modifier to their next single attack.

Trick Arrow T1: This allows a Ranger to launch a Trick Arrow created by Bowyer/Fletcher - see below for specifics.

Tier 2:

Crippling Shot: This attack is delivered with the call "Crippling Shot” and delivered by packet (like any other arrow). This inflicts the Crippling Strike effect. For ease of reference, this will cause the affected target to be unable to move faster than a walking pace for the remainder of the encounter, and prevents the target from using the Flee effect.

Expose Armor: This skill will reduce the targets physical armor (does not affect spells or Natural Armor) to 0 points; though this does not Breach the armor. This attack is delivered as "Voice Expose Armor". While not standard, this attack can be negated with the Weapon Ward skill.

Manticore Shot: This skill allows the characters to unleash toxic ammo that weaken their foes. The characters next 3 ranged attacks become “Poison Weakness”. Each of these attacks is one shot hit or miss

Pindown Shot: Pindown Shot sticks a target's right to the ground. Pindown can be ripped from with no special strength and incurs no damage when it is ripped, but ripping free from Pindown Shot is a 30-counted action not influenced by enhanced Strength. It can be escaped by the usual measures that end binding effects. This is packet-delivered and called as "Pindown Shot".

Trick Arrow T2: As Trick Arrow T1, allowing for Tier 2 trick arrows from the Bowyer/Fletcher skill below.

Tier 3:

Paralyzing Shot: The target of this effect becomes Paralyzed for the duration, 30 minutes by default. During the duration they are still aware of the world around them so long as they are also conscious, but cannot move, speak, or use active skills. This effect is Metabolic.

Streamlined Shot: Streamlined arrows are lighter, trading impact for speed. The Energy cost for Streamlined Shot is added onto another shot, and allows the shooter to call "Double Attack" in response to a defended attack.

Trick Arrow T3: As Trick Arrow T1, allowing for Tier 3 trick arrows from the bowyer/fletcher skill below.

Tier 4:

Trick Arrow T4: As Trick Arrow T1, allowing for Tier 4 trick arrows from the bowyer/fletcher skill below.

Impale: This skill allows the character to add a powerful pull to their ranged attacks. When used the character increases their Base Weapon Damage by 2 points and can add the Critical Modifier to their next 10 packet attacks.



Tier 1:

Mobility: This skill allows the character to resist slowing effects, Pin and Bind effects, and Binding Strike’s up to +4 Strength. Additionally, this skill can remove any of the above effects that are currently affecting the character, as well as allow escape from other non-magical bindings on their person.

Initative: This skill allows the character to make a quick escape from combat. When used, a minor hold occurs that only involves other players engaged with the character. The character may then move up to 10 steps away, after which normal game play will resume.

Tier 2:

Roll: This skill allows the character to negate a portion of an attack. Roll can only be used to defend against attacks that strike the character with a weapon or packet and have a numerical damage value in the call. When used, the defended attack will only deal half damage (rounded down) and will remove any effect carriers, from the attack.

Tier 3:

Escape: This special defense allows the character to escape from all forms of movement impairing and Binding effects currently affecting them, instantly ending their duration, though it does not work on Contain effects or Petrify. This skill can also be used on a target other than the character; the character must touch the target and maintain concentration for a 5 counted action.

Tier 4:

Avoidance: This skill will negate all melee weapon delivered attacks against the character for 10 seconds, calling “No Effect” to such attacks while it is active. While active, the character may still attack with ranged weapons.

Dodge: This skill allows the character to avoid a single packet or bullet delivered attack that strikes them. This defense cancels the attack, meaning it does not continue on and hit someone behind them.


Agility: This skill becomes active by announcing “Agility!” Once activated, it lasts for 5 minutes or 1 Encounter, whichever is longer. While this skill is in use, the character will take Reduced: Half Damage, rounded up, from all numerical damaging effects, such as weapon damage. This ability does not reduce effects, such as Nausea or Sleep, or any other effect that does not deal damage.

Conceal: Using this skill instantly becomes Hidden, for a brief time. This skill is activated by calling “Conceal!” Once activated, the character places their hands open palms together over their head and for the next 10 seconds they are hidden and can move. This skill does not remove any effects that are currently on the character.

High Inertia: High Inertia arrows have a second weight in the shaft to deliver a second jolt of kinetic energy. High Inertia arrows effectively hit twice; this is called as "Double Attack" in response to a legally-defended arrow attack.

Hunter's Call: This skill allows the character to summon an animal natural to the terrain that the character is currently in. This animal can be given a command action which it will perform to the best of its abilities for up to 1 hour. The creatures summoned by this skill are above average intelligence for their species, such that they can comprehend complex commands. This skill cannot be used in combat.

Sap: This effect incapacitates a target, denying them the ability to take action and making them unaware of their surroundings. While under this effect they are not Helpless. Any damage or violent movement will end this effect, otherwise they will remain in this state for up to 5 minutes.

Smoke Screen: This skill allows the character to create a field of smoke that breaks Line of Sight for ranged attacks. While activated, the user must raise their hands, separated above their head and announce "Smoke Screen" every few seconds for up to 30 seconds. While this skill is active, others within melee weapon reach of the character are protected from ranged attacks from outside melee weapon range, however they can be targeted if an attacker is within melee weapon range of a protected character. Using this skill requires concentration and thus will end early if the character becomes Helpless, puts their hands down or is affected by any effect that prevents the character from taking actions.

Snare:' This effect causes the target to become unable to move, suffering the effect of a Natural Pin.

Quickness: This skill allows the character to reduce a counted action by a degree of time. This cannot be stacked with itself for multiple reductions. This skill is considered a Passive Temporary Reduction.

  • Over 60 seconds is reduced by 50%,
  • 60 count becomes a 30 count,
  • 30 count becomes a 3 count,
  • 3 count becomes a 1 count.

Warning Signs: The signs are everywhere if you are looking for them. You can pick out tracks quick enough to notice a bad situation before you walk into, allowing you to find another route. This allows your party of up to 10 players to move past the encounter without engaging. This skill only works so long as there is another way to proceed.


Hide: This skill allows the character to become Hidden from normal view. This skill has several rules that must be followed for its use: First, in order to use this skill, the character must be next to an object that is stationary or cannot be easily moved, and the object must be larger than the player. Second, it takes a 5 Counted Action to enter Hide, which must be done while no one is actively looking at the character in game. Third, once in Hide, the character must place their hands in front of their chest (closed, with knuckles touching), and can stay there for up to an hour, though the character cannot move from their Hide location (other than minor shifting). While in Hide, they are aware of the world around them and can see and hear anything they would normally be able to. Leaving Hide simply takes a 5 Counted Action.

Move Silent: This skill allows the character to take brief actions without creating any In Game noise, which can be done in a number of ways: First, the character can move up to 15 steps while in Hide and remain Hidden. Second, the character can make one attack from Hide, adding the “Surprise” Modifier and remain Hidden. This skill is considered Passive.

Track: This skill allows the character to detect and follow the marks a target's passage leaves on the environment it passes through, or to conceal the user's trail from others. It can also be used to gain information about the target creature, or creatures being tracked. To track, you must have a Marshal to perform a Contested Roll. Unless tracking conditions change drastically, only Contested Roll pick should ever be needed to determine success or failure. Once you have failed a Contested Roll you are considered to have lost the trail and may not try again. At the time you wish to Track, you may choose to first make what is called an“Observation”, where the character spends 5 minutes studying the area. This Contested Roll, if successful, will allow you to learn information about the target being tracked, though if you fail this pick you cannot make a normal Track Contested Roll. The advantage of the “Observation” is that you do not incur as many of the normal negatives since they do not yet apply. This skill has a general max of 20 Ranks, and each Rank adds 1 Bonus to the characters Contested Rolls. Rangers may take Track up to 30 Ranks - they are the premiers trackers in the worlds and their reflects this.

Terrain Adaptation: This skill allows a character to become attuned with a certain Terrain Type that is associated with one of the Inner Elements (Fire, Stone, Water, or Wind). This allows the character to ignore many of the normal penalties that the Terrain would inflict on them. Terrain Adaption is passive and always-on in the appropriate environment. It can also be purchased for various environments found on Prime planes, where it serves to passively counter difficult terrain and terrain hazards (drowning, dehydration, atmospheric pressure, etc). Terrain Adaptation on a Prime prevents passive effects but not active ones; if you're trying to inch along a cliff in the mountains but have to avoid gusts of wind and falling rocks, Terrain Adaptation (Mountain) does not help.


Any competent engineer can stitch together a perfectly serviceable bow. Rangers are trained in creating very specific effects with assorted combinations of materials, in a greatly abbreviated span of time. Rangers with this skill are considered to have an assortment of arrows prepared during downtime, and they may select any of these at time of use. Trick arrows are limited by Energy consumption rather than the usual crafting limits (components and time).

Level 1:

Elemental Shot: Changes the Flavor of an arrow to any of the four classical elements, or to lightning. Shadow and Spirit are beyond the purview of basic arrow physics but not untenable and do occur in places - you'll just have to ask those sources for their schematics.

Dipped: Dipped arrows sacrifice slicing damage for toxin delivery. The base Dipped arrow is called as "Poison Exhaustion" and delivers the Exhaustion effect. There are lots of variations on the theme across the worlds. Not coincidentally, there is a great deal of overlap between arrows dips and Chemistry effects.

Tuning Fork: This is a small fork attached to the head of the arrow, tuned to resonate against the victim's vocal chords and prevent their use. This is called as "Physical Silence Shot".

Level 2:

Explosive Shot: Adds the "critical" tag to one shot..

Beacon: Beacon causes no damage. Characters affected by Beacon can be tracked without a roll by the Ranger than inflicted the Beacon. In the case of defenses that cause Tracking to fail without a test, Beacon allows for a normal contest. Beacon is good for 100 miles per Ranger level and lasts no longer than 48 hours without reinforcement. You may submit two BGA's to keep your Beacon alive into the next event. Beacons are not trustworthy across planar borders - they may or may not continue to function at all or may provide misleading information. Beacon is delivered as "Physical Beacon Shot". It can be removed by anyone with Bowyer/Fletcher of any level in five minutes of concentration, or any Advanced Engineer in sixty minutes.

Level 3:

Pinpoint: Pinpoint shot is a smaller arrowhead, designed to fit in between plates or through chain links. Pinpoint arrows inflict Body damage.

Level 4:

Magnetic Shot: Magnetic arrowheads attract other arrowheads; after landing a Magnetic Arrow, a Ranger can voice deliver further arrows to the victim. Voice-delivered arrows can involve Offense skills but can't involve any other trick arrows. Magnetic Shot is called as "Physical Magnetic Shot"; further arrows delivered to the target are called as "Magnetic Shot - Voice <target> <whatever>. Magnetic Shot lasts for five minutes or one encounter. (I'm on the fence about individualizing this; magnets don't care very much about who shot them and it feels themey for one archer to connect a magnetic shot so five archers can all start calling voice effects, but I worry about the field playability of this. For now, you can only Voice deliver targets you yourself have tagged with Magnetic but that may change in response to field conditions.)

Stun Shot: These are blunted arrows not intended to pierce or kill. Stun Shots are called as "Physical Stun Shot".

Cloaking Shot: A character hit with this shot instantly becomes Hidden, for a brief time. This skill is packet delivered and cannot target the Ranger shooting it; it's called as "Physical Conceal.” The targeting restriction is personal; two Rangers could target each other, but one alone has to resort to Dailies to disappear. Once activated, the affected character places their hands open palms together over their head and for the next 10 seconds they are hidden and can move. This skill does not remove any effects that are currently on the character. (I'm aware of how awful this could get. I like it for group-friendliness and a further standout from Gunslinger. So far, I don't *think* there's any gruesome game break that I could pull off, but I'm entirely willing to be proven wrong and Cloaking Shot may be adjusted or replaced at some future point.)

Ranger Powers

Born Marksman* This power reflects the character’s natural talent with ranged weapons. Each reset they gain 2 additional uses of the Hunter's Mark skill.

Called Shot When a character uses their Hunter’s Mark skill to deal only damage, not adding a Technique, they receive a +10 Base Weapon Damage bonus instead of the normal +5 bonus.

Heroic Powers

Exotic Ammo Going in for the kill is not always about just a good shot but knowing your foes weaknesses. This Power allows the character to create an Exotic Quiver, this is a 10 counted action and lasts for the Encounter or until all 10 charges are used. The effect of the ammo is as follows: +3 Temporary Damage and a Flavor Carrier (Fire/Stone/Water/Wind/Iron/Magic), and each charge is one shot, hit or miss. This Power can be used three times each reset.

Rapid Shot This Power may be used when the character has successfully made a ranged weapon attack upon a target, and the target defended against it in ANY fashion. The character may then call "Double Attack", forcing the target to defend again or suffer the effect of the attack. This can be used twice each reset.