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Guardians are the primal warriors of the natural world. They form strong bonds with the beasts of the wild and channel their prowess as a weapon. Often seen as nature’s defender due to their bond. Often their strong bond to the natural world calls them to its martial champion, though this is not always carried out with good action. Just as a hurricane gives little care for what it will destroy in its wake, a guardian can channel the skills into acts of destruction.

Armor: Guardians can wear up to Medium Armor at character creation and tend to wear armors that are made from natural materials like leather and bone.

Weapon Proficiencies: Guardians are skilled with the following weapons: Short Weapon, Medium Weapon, Great Weapon, Spear, and Thrown. Additionally, they gain the Florentine Power free.

Class Features:

Heart of the Wild: While wielding either Two Weapons or a Great Weapon they can use their Defensive Techniques as Passive skills.

Adaptive: While they do not weave the magic’s of nature the character can train themselves to understand its denizens. This skill allows the character to speak with natural animals, though it must be done in simple short statements and questions.

Primal Fury: This skill allows the character to unleash the power of the primal world they protect granting them heightened combat prowess for a short time. When active, the character gains the following temporary benefits: +10 Body Points, +2Permanent Weapon Damage, Immunity to Charm, Shun, Sleep, and Terror. This skill lasts for 5 minutes or one Encounter. This skill can be used as a defense against Berserk, and will negate the attack and active this skill. This skill can be used once each reset at 1st level and once again for each 8 character levels, (IE. 1st, 8th, 16th, and so on.)

Guardian: Basic Skills





SP Cost

Energy Cost

Focus +1 15 Deflect

2 SP

1 Energy

Focus +2 15

Focus +1

Move Silent

2 SP

1 Energy

Focus +3 15

Focus +2

Shatter Strike

2 SP

1 Energy

Precision +2 15 Exhaustion Strike

2 SP

1 Energy

Precision +4 15

Precision +2


4 SP

2 Energy

Precision +6 15

Precision +4


4 SP

2 Energy

Hide 6 Entangling Strike

4 SP

2 Energy

Energy (1-16) 1 per Maim Limb

4 SP

2 Energy

Energy (17-32) 2 per 16 Energy Riposte

6 SP

3 Energy

Energy (33-36) 3 per 32 Energy Ambush

6 SP

3 Energy

Grasping Earth 5 Stun Strike

6 SP

3 Energy

Telltale Signs 3 Tracking 1 Conceal 7 SP 4 Energy
Dodge 7 SP 4 Energy
Slay Strike 7 SP 4 Energy

Guardian: Advanced Skills



Skill Cost
Aerial Totem 6 Earthen Totem 6
Aquatic Totem 6 Fire Totem 6
Nature’s Ire 8 Cyclone 5

Guardian Skills

Ambush - With this skill the character unleashes a powerful blow that will knock out most opponents. When used, the player must call “Ambush". This skill can be used from the front; however, if used from behind the target the call is “Ambush Surprise” making the attack very difficult to avoid. This skill can only be delivered with a melee boffer attack. A target that is affected by this attack is unconscious for 10 minutes. This attack is metabolic.

Conceal: A character using this skill instantly becomes Hidden, for a brief time. This skill is activated by calling “Conceal!” Once activated, the character places their hands open palms together over their head and for the next 10 seconds they are hidden and can move. This skill does not remove any effects that are currently on the character.

Deflect - This skill negates a single melee weapon attack that strikes them, or another within melee weapon reach, that has a numerical damage as part of the call; and does not have a Delivery Type, or the Massive carrier. To use this skill, the character must call “Deflect”.

Dodge - This skill allows the character to avoid a single ranged weapon or packet delivered attack that strikes them. This defense cancels the attack, meaning it does not continue on and hit someone behind them.

Energy - Used as the energy source to fuel techniques

Entangle Strike - This skill duplicates the spell effect by the same name, but is delivered with a weapon swing. This skill is used by calling “Entangle Strike” and landing a legal weapon blow; this is one swing, hit or miss.

Exhaustion Strike - This skill duplicates the spell effect by the same name, but is delivered with a weapon swing. This skill is used by calling “Exhaustion Strike” and landing a legal weapon blow; this is one swing, hit or miss. [Exhaustion is as per the standard effects list]

Focus +X:  This is directly added to a character's base weapon damage with any weapon in which the character is proficient. Focus is purchased per hand and does not stack when using a two-handed weapon. Ambidexterity may never be used to stack it over your class maximum.

Grasping Earth: This skill allows the character to call upon the forces of nature to aid them in combat. When used, the player announces, “All enemies in the sound of my voice Difficult Terrain”.

Hide - This skill allows the character to become Hidden from normal view. This skill has several rules that must be followed for its use: First, in order to use this skill, the character must be next to an object that is stationary or cannot be easily moved, and the object must be larger than the player. Second, it takes a 5 Counted Action to enter Hide, which must be done while no one is actively looking at the character in game. Third, once in Hide, the character must place their hands in front of their chest (closed, with knuckles touching), and can stay there for up to an hour, though the character cannot move from their Hide location (other than minor shifting). While in Hide, they are aware of the world around them and can see and hear anything they would normally be able to. Leaving Hide simply takes a 5 Counted Action.

Maim Limb - This skill will damage the target’s limb making it useless for combat and locomotion until cured. If the target is an arm, that arm cannot be used for anything; in the case of a leg the player can only walk (if both legs are maimed the player cannot move from their current spot). To use this skill, the character must announce “Maim <Limb>”, which the attacker chooses which limb is affected, and land a legal weapon blow to that limb or body. If no limb is hit, or specified in the case of a blow landed to the body, then it is the defender’s choice of limb. However, this cannot be not one that has already been maimed. This attack is a single swing hit or miss and can only be performed with a melee weapon.

Move Silent - This skill allows the character to take brief actions without creating any In Game noise, which can be done in a number of ways: First, the character can move up to 15 steps while in Hide and remain Hidden. Second, the character can make one attack from Hide, adding the “Surprise” Modifier and remain Hidden. This skill is considered Passive.

Parry - Parry is called as a defense to a melee attack and stops all negatives associated with the blow.  Parry may be used on melee attacks that normally take effect even on hits to shields.  

Precision -This skill will add two points of damage to the called verbal of a weapon swing when used from behind another character. For example, if you are using a Long Sword whose normal call is "Two Normal" when swinging, taking Precision +2 would mean that your new verbal is 'four normal' when you swing from behind an enemy. This skill stacks and the number given in the skill is the total cumulative number. If you purchase this skill the maximum of 3 times your verbal when behind your opponents will be "Eight Normal" unless you also purchased focus which would add it's amount to attacks from all sides. Precision is purchased per hand and does not stack when using a two-handed weapon. Ambidexterity may never be used to stack it over your class maximum.

Riposte -  Riposte causes an attacker to suffer the effects of his own melee strike.  Riposte makes no guarantees of success - many attackers can employ effects to which they themselves are immune - but does guarantee the Champion’s safety regardless of the outcome of the retaliatory strike.  Riposte does not affect Riposted attacks; this is a gameplay consideration with mirrors facing mirrors.

Roll - his skill allows the character to negate a portion of an attack. Roll can only be used to defend against attacks that strike the character with a weapon or packet and have a numerical damage value in the call. When used, the defended attack will only deal half damage (rounded down) and will remove any effect carriers, from the attack.

Shatter Strike - This skill, with a melee weapon strike as the delivery method: renders useless one weapon, small-sized shield, or other object which is no larger than a Small Shield, giving it the Broken status. If used against a suit of armor, it will breach the armor, reducing it to 0.  To use this skill, the player must declare aloud “Shatter <targeted weapon/item> Strike” then must land a legal weapon blow with a melee weapon or make weapon contact with the item to be Destroyed. This skill may NOT target a portion of an otherwise whole object, or ANY natural weaponry (i.e. claws, tails, etc). This skill is one swing, hit or miss.

Slay Strike - This skill deals a heinous damaging blow to a target, the affected target will suffer 100 points of critical damage. This skill is used by calling “Slay Strike” and landing a legal weapon blow; this is one swing, hit or miss. This is a Slay effect.

Stun Strike - This effect causes a target to be rendered Stunned for 10 minutes. This skill is used by calling “Stun Strike” and landing a legal weapon blow; this attack is a single swing hit or miss.

Telltale Signs - A guardian is adept in the wilds of any plane. When not in a city, they automatically add 2 successes to any tracking attempt made.

Guardian Advanced Skills

Aerial Totem - This skill allows the character to summon a totem of an aerial creature to grant them one of the following buffs for up to 1 hour or Module. A character can have 1 Totem active at a time:

  • An auto success to any movement based physical challenge
  • Character gains 3 uses, hit or miss, of “Natural Venom Strike” with their melee weapons
  • +2 Permanent Strength and allows the character to Break from Pin and Bind. This skill lasts for up to 1 hour or Module.

Aquatic Totem - This skill allows the character to summon a totem of an aquatic creature to grant them one of the following buffs for up to 1 hour or Module. A character can have 1 Totem active at a time:

  • Gains Underwater Combat and Breathe Liquid with no restriction
  • Character gains 6 uses of the “Massive” Flavor Carrier,
  • Character gains 10 Natural Armor that stack above class maximum

Earthen Totem - This skill allows the character to summon a totem of an earthen creature to grant them one of the following buffs for up to 1 hour or Module. A character can have 1 Totem active at a time:

  • During a hold the player can move up to 20 steps
  • Character gains 3 uses of “Binding Strike-Slay” (6 Count) with their melee weapons
  • 5 Permanent Body Points and Endure

Fire Totem - This skill allows the character to summon a totem of a fire creature to grant them one of the following buffs for up to 1 hour or Module. A character can have 1 Totem active at a time:

  • Immunity to Blind and can attack Hidden and Concealed targets
  • Character gains 3 uses of "Elemental 30 Fire" delivered via packet attack
  • Character gains one use of "Natural Cure Metabolic"

Cyclone - This skill allows the character to wrap their body in fierce winds that shield him from certain attacks. When activated, this skill will last for 10 seconds, during which time the character is not affected by physical ranged attacks; this includes Ranged Weapons, Vials, Bombs, and Natural Attacks, though they can still use skills normally.

Nature's Ire - This skill allows the character to change the battlefield by channeling the power, when used it will affect all enemies in the next Encounter. This skill will remove up to 1 offensive weapon skill from all hostile targets, up to 10 targets in an Encounter.

Guardian Powers

Call of the Wild: This power allows the character to share their tie to nature. Once each reset this power can be used to grant up to 5 targets a totem.

Endless Fury: This power allows the character to activate their Primal Fury Class Feature 2 additional times each reset.

Fearless Fury: This power increases the potency of the characters Primal Fury power. While active, they additionally gain Immunity to Command, Fear, Feeblemind, and Slumber.

Mighty Fury: This power increases the potency of the characters Primal Fury power. While active they additionally gain 4 Blade Effects that are +5 Temporary Damage and Critical.

Undying Fury: This power allows the character to push past the confines of their normal limits. When an attack would normally render the character Unconscious they can Resist that attack. This can be used once during each use of Primal Fury.

Wrath of Nature: This power allows the character to pull on their ties to the strength of nature. While in a natural setting, not in a city, the character has +2 Permanent Strength.

Heroic Powers

Dual Spirit: This Power allows the character to have two different totems active at the same time. This still consumes two uses of the skill.

Enhanced Totems - Your totems gain the following effect options:

  • Aerial Totem: You may Fly for 1 hour or module and have one use of 'Soar'
  • Aquatic Totem: You may plant your foot and cast 'natural 5 healing' by touch only for 5 minutes/one encounter (this effect cannot be shared via Call of the Wild)
  • Earthen Totem: +10 Body and Recovery 5
  • Fire Totem: Can be activated at the time the character moves from Dying to Death state to fully heal character to max current body removing all other negative status effects on the character. (this effect cannot be shared via Call of the Wild)

Wyld Heart: This Power binds the character’s body with the might of nature. When the character uses Primal Fury, they gain Damage Cap 5 for the duration of the ability.