Acheron is a dead world. There is almost no life present here at all; the inhabitants are undead or undead-adjacent. At present, six Deathlords vie for control of the plane, or at least as much of it as anyone (including those Lords) is aware of.
Acheron's only known living natives are a small military force of humans, collectively referred to as Biomancers owing to their skill at life magic. They occupy a city near the southwestern corner of Acheron, a fair distance away from the closest Deathlord and unreachable for the others. Biomancers call their city "Home" and when pressed for a better definition, point out that you only bother naming places to distinguish one from the other. As far as Biomancers are concerned, there's Home and there's everything else. If someone manages to erect a second living city in Acheron, they joke, then we can start talking about city names.
Very little is commonly known about the plane of death. Some few scholars have made a serious study of the place and can answer questions about the geography, what passes for society and culture among the dead, and the other usual questions about new places. Planar cartographers note that Acheron connects with very few worlds and travelling there is both dangerous and expensive even before you have an opportunity to test the world itself.