Pack Master – Felis Racial
The homelands of the Felis are made up deserts, dry tundra, making survival harsh, and travel away from cities dangerous. Only those who have the training and experience are capable of leading travelers and expeditions safely to their destinations. These individuals are also called to the roles of leadership as well, as their experience allows them to show wisdom and good judgment, on and off the battlefield. Those that seek the path of the Pack Master are not only looking to lead but also are willing to take responsibility for those they lead. Leadership is a double edge sword and the follies of your pack reflect upon you as a poor leader. Wisdom is also required to know the weaknesses of those around you and to be able to lift them up.
Rank / Ability
1. Pure Breed
2. Tooth and Claw
3. Pack Commands x 1/reset
4. Roar of Courage x 1/reset
5. Leader’s Wisdom x 2/reset
6. Sentinel in the Night
7. Pack Commands x 1/reset (2 Total)
8. Leader’s Wisdom x 2/reset (4 Total)
9. Caravan Master
10. Pack Commands x 1/reset (3 Total)