Maybe you grew up in the wrong part of town or just found yourself in with the wrong crowd, either way you have spent some amount of time living outside the law. While those days might be behind you, you didn’t walk away without picking up a few useful tricks.
- Receive a 1 SP discount on the Disable Device skill.
- Fence- While you might not always get the best prices you know where to unload a haul. You can spend 1 hour out of game to ‘Fence’ loot. Doing so will allow you to sell off almost anything. The amount is 90% of the Creation Cost; the amount is reduced by 10% for each month that has passed on the duration.
- Contacts- Even though you are out of the game you still know a few guys who are in the know. This allows the character to use abilities from the Informant profession, once each logistical day.