1st Level
Knowledge Nobility is discounted 1 SP
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First in Line
While it is not a major thing your ability to influence others does give you a knack for being first. Unless contested by another with higher Diplomacy you can move yourself to the front of the line when it comes to dealing with others. This skill can be used on player’s characters, but only once each encounter.
Silver Tounge
Words come to you as easy as breathing, and you have a way of building trust almost instantly. So long as you have been speaking with a target for 5 minutes, you can use this skill, which is followed by a question that the target must answer truthfully; though the extent of their/ answer could vary from a yes/no to more detail. This skill can be used on player’s characters.
In a situation where the character is faced with a hostile force but combat has not started the character can attempt to delay combat by having a face to face with the person in charge. Unless countered, the enemy force will delay combat so long as they are not engaged and the character using this skill will be allowed passage alone, to speak. This skill will last for up to 5 minutes, at which time the normal course of actions will resume.
White Flag
Not always is the situation clear as to who is right or wrong; however, you have a way of crossing that line safely, albeit for a short time. You can use this ability to enter a hostile area unharmed, at least immediately, so long as you are not armed and remain non-hostile the enemy force will at least speak with you. This does not give you full access to their area, or special Intel but it gets you close enough to ask questions. Even the most savage of races understands the white flag, and respect it as far as they need; great warriors need not kill the weak and those who are no threat. Though there better be a reason presented as to why the diplomat is not to be attacked.
Reason is always a tool best used at the right time. This skill can be used to sway those that can hear the character speaking; through the heat of combat will almost assuredly prevent such. The character can prevent a fight from even happening, though in most cases this means they are allowed to leave the area without immediate action by the enemy.