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Gunslingers are, as the name implies, firearms experts.  The slow advance of firearm technology out of Secord and Summerfall has grown a few schools of shooting. Some naturally gifted individuals pass their craft on from master to apprentice.  Both manufacturers are generally willing to sell their older model weapons to trusted folks (although you’re not getting a coilgun out of Secord or a Spellshot out of Summerfall) and that exposure is slowly advancing the art of sharpshooting.  

Armor:  Gunslingers are trained in light armor.  Heavy armor complicates reloading and doesn’t leave enough space for ammo junkies to carry reams of magazines. They're explicitly forbidden from using shields; Gunslingers more than most people are acutely aware of the limitations and drawbacks of carrying a plank around on your arm.

Weapons:  Gunslingers are trained in every variation of firearm, including new ones as they’re developed.  They’re also trained in short/medium melee weapons as holdouts or last resorts when (not if) the ammo runs out.  

Grit: Gunslinger effects are driven by Grit, as opposed to Mana or Energy.  Grit is mechanically identical to Energy but disambiguated here to avoid things like Energy Gems from falling into Gunslinger’s hands and turning a six-shot pistol into a railgun.

Class Feature:

Hard to Kill:  Gunslingers that can’t take a hit don’t last long.  Gunslingers treat any Kill or Slay effect delivered by voice, bullet, or packet as a Stun effect instead.  If you want to kill a Gunslinger, use a knife. Or an axe. Dealer’s choice.

Gunslinger Skills

Category Name Prerequisite Skills Skill Point Cost Use Cost
Accuracy +1 15 -
Accuracy +2 Accuracy +1 15 -
Accuracy +3 Accuracy +2 15 -
Accuracy +4 Accuracy +3 20 -
Accuracy +5 Accuracy +4 20 -
Accuracy +6 Accuracy +5 20 -
Grit (1-40) 1
Trickshot Accuracy +1 3 1
Rapid Fire Trickshot 3 3
Disabling Shot Rapid Fire 4 4
Fan The Hammer Disabling Shot 5 5
Cheap Shot Disabling Shot 5 5
Piercing Shot Accuracy + 1 3 2
Called Shot Piercing Shot 3 2
Bull's Eye Rapid Fire 4 4
Killshot Bull's Eye 5 5
Defensive Skills
Roll 2 1
Initiative Roll 3 1
Countershot Initiative 4 4
Tough Countershot 5 4
Psych Skills
Warning Shot - 2 1
Safeties Off Warning Shot 2 Daily
High Noon 4 4
Cold Blood 3 Daily
Miscellaneous Skills
Crosstrained 1 1
Field Strip 5 1
Holdout 1 Daily
Lucky 5 Daily
Quickdraw 2 Daily